Thank you for your support, I’m so excited to share with you what I have learned by answering the questions. So what are the benefits to answering the questions? Last week’s question what do you love the most? This is a very important part of you, by answering the question you will find strength and […]
Is loving yourself conceited? So my thoughts this week- when my friend Debbie talked about loving herself she thought it was being conceited, it made me wonder so I decided to look up conceited. Here is what I found. “Loving yourself isn’t conceited or narcissistic; it’s actually knowing your self-worth. It’s love. Love means acceptance, […]
Why is self-love important? I know it has been a few weeks, but a lot has happened in my life and I have had to do a lot of thinking about myself and some changes for me and my family. But I’m so excited to keep sharing with you about self-love because I feel that […]
Hello, I have decided to write a blog because I feel like I have something to share. Life is about learning and we need to find our purpose. Do you ever ask yourself, Why are you here? Do you love yourself? I have come from a long life of hardship, trials,and mean people that have […]